KENYA - Ferienhaus Kenia Villa Diani Villas Beach

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Karibu - Willkommen in Kenia
Kenya - is the vacation aim for every season. Kenya is approximately 585,000 square km and is thus almost twice as large as the Federal Republic of Germany. However, the population only is valued at 25 million. Kenya is a präsidiale republic. The president is Mwai Kibaki (since 2003). The capital is Nairobi and the state languages are English and Swahili. Monetary unit is the Kenya shilling.

1 Euro corresponds to approx. ca. 110 KES (stood jan 2012).

Kenya offers you the hole beauty of Africa.
Under a very social and warm population of kenyan and a fascinating culture, you will get to know, wild animals, a very large selection of birds, jungle and savanne, desert and oases, gigantic parks and never ending white sanded beaches, mountains such as Kilimanjaro or the great rift valley, the yearly immigration of millions of wild animals and the largest flamingo colony in the world at the Lake Nakuru.
We are of course ready to help you in organizing these special programmes, that offer you innumerable possibilites to get to know all the conceivable sides of this country.

E.g. experience the attraction of Kenya, on a safari at the Masai Mara, mountain climbing on the Mount Kenya or Kilimanjaro,take a walk along the streets of Lamu Island with its arabian coloured past, the picturesque port of Mombasa or in the lively capital city of Nairobi with its famous skyline. A wide range of water sports are also available including high salt-waterfishing, hilly landscope or sandy beaches, Kenya will enchant you in any way with a once in a lifetime experiences. Kenya has never seen whirlwinds, due to the geographical proximity to the equator and the offshore islands such as Madagascar. Stable weather situation with temperatures between 25 and 35 degrees centigrade, guarantee for ideal circulation, balsamfor stress aggrieveds, and the most natural medicine againstall civilization illnesses. No nuclear power stations, no ozone hole.

Economic conjuncture and infrastructurial progress, is being felt especially after the presidential election andthus, many americans, africans and especially europeans are investing in Kenya.

Discover Africa on your own initiative and get to know a truly, lovely country! Kenya is still one of the few countries on earth in which one can travel different ages of time today.

" ...and there infront of him, as for as he could see, as far as the whole world, so mightly, so high and unconceivably
white, lay the flat peak of the Kilimanjaro, stretched out under the sun. And it was then he knew where he was going
all along ..."

Ernest Hemingway

Wherever you are in Kenya, the African starry sky is always rewarding.
It is a special experience to sit by the sea at night and watch the stars.

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